KPI or Key Performance Indicator is a performance measurement. It evaluates the succes of an organisation, department or activity.

Very good question!

There is no clear-cut answer or approach that suits for every company. However, there are some important best-practices.

Start by defining goals for the organization, find measurable actions that will determine the succes (or failure) of these goals. Define these measured actions in a metric.

Next, set clear “green area’s” for this KPI. Limit the number of KPIs to 3-6, less is more.

If you need help, we’re happy to share our standard procedure for defining KPIs.

You defined KPIs? Good start!

Now how are you going to motivate your team to work towards these goals? With some Excel spreadsheet stored deep down on your server? Really?

Of course not. What you want to do next is make this KPIs visible to the entire team.

Make sure all team members can access it real time, in a clear and comprehensive way.

… dashboards

Hard to say without knowing the KPIs, data sources, security, business units…of your company.

Luckily, we have a very clear process and pricing. Every project starts with a one day workshop. During this day we gather and analyse all the missing information mentioned above. Next, we present an offer for the full project. You’ll find more information about our pricing policy in our services section.

Our typical projects are around 8-14 days. But be our guest to become our next biggest project 😉

“I already know what I want why do I need a consulting day?”

Sure, but why would you invest x thousand in a project without thorough investigation?

Let’s start from what you already have, what you (think you) know. And elaborate on this with examples and learning from our past BI projects.

During our consulting day at your office, we take you through an iterative journey with a clearly defined goal.

At the end of the day we have a blue print and a fixed price offer for your entire project.

What are you waiting for?

All our projects have an optional contract for maintenance. It can happen that API’s, website, logins,… change. We take care of these so that the dashboards of you and your team are up and running again in no-time.

This is a very common situation when talking to business owners.

First of all, over time there will always be changes in systems a company uses. There is no such thing as the perfect setup that lasts for decades. Good thing we can connect Power BI to literally any data source!

From our experience it’s very beneficial to think about BI reporting early on, there can be information loops between the ERP modifications and the BI needs.

In short, the systems you use (including the dashboards) will always change over time so there is no point in waiting for what will never happen (fixed system setup).