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Deco Stripe

Years of training in the field, countless operations, and the most difficult missions in the service of our customers:

Meet team Power Partners!

Your pilots black and yellow logo

Whether you are looking for a captain, technician or air traffic controller, we will help you take off to new heights, safely navigate through storms and discover new territory.


A portrait photograph of Christoph Glur, founder of Power Partners.

Christoph Glur


Main skill: brewing coffee. Secondary skill: breaking down complexity.

Portrait photograph of Jules Vandierendonck, co-founder of Power Partners.

Jules Vandierendonck


Data whizz is where insights and humor coalesce!

Wout Timmerman


[email protected]

+32 470 62 42 67

Zuzana Bocanski team member

Zuzana Bocanski


Our own Hercule Poirot, successfully solving the hardest DAX mysteries!

Data Engineer Jan Bocanski

Jan Bocanski

Data Engineer

Pipeline Popeye. Wrangles data for breakfast.

Andrej Vig

Data Engineer

API Whisperer

Brecht Jacobs


Customer Happyness Engineer

Philipp Suter

Consultant (external)

Fabric Fiddler

Nicolas Team Member

Nicolas Delahousse


Gallery with dashboards

Here's what we are up to on the rare occasions when we we are not building dashboards.