5 posts

A KPI, or key-performance-indicator, is a metric that measures the success of a company, division or manager and can be displayed in a dashboard.

pool area with Umbrosa Icarus parasol

Power Up Your Insights: A Dynamic Stock Overview with Power BI

Intro Umbrosa is a successful parasol manufacturing company based in Roeselare, Belgium, that provides high-quality products with trend-setting designs to some of the most renowned hotel chains worldwide. They collaborate with high-end designers to offer the market eye-catching parasols that are as aesthetic as they are functional. The combination of […]

Liquidity dashboard

Coronavirus Dashboard

How this dashboard can help you as a business owner to stay ahead of liquidity risks in times of Coronavirus. LIQUIDITY CRISIS In Switzerland the Federal council announced their new stimulus program last week to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These companies can now take on a bridge loan […]