Management of Subcontracting with Power BI

Holvoet Gebroeders is a Belgian carpentry company characterized by high-quality finishing and customization. They have been active in the construction sector for three generations. They ensure customization in total projects, technical doors, interior carpentry, and furniture. Here you can read the story of a young and ambitious management team that is ready to take the company to the next level.

  • Title: Management of subcontracting with Power BI.
  • Budget: 16 days
  • Data sources: Lean, Exact, OneTwo & Excel.


Within Holvoet, the focus is mainly on total projects. A project starts as soon as a building is watertight and windproof or is in need of a functional change. Every aspect of interior finishing is carefully considered, from floor construction, floor finishing, interior carpentry, painting, to furniture. It goes without saying that this involves a lot of calculation, quotes, budgets, planning, materials, and hours.

Holvoet uses a fairly unique method of revenue calculation, which is fully integrated into Power BI.

Wout Timmerman - Power Partners

Holvoet is a custom company, Power BI is custom software, 1 + 1 = 3.

Each project presents new challenges for Holvoet. With their machinery and experienced team, they always start from a very solid foundation. This enables them to offer quality custom work at a fair price.

In many ways, Power BI works in the same way. The data, KPIs, visualizations, filters, and so on can all be customized. This makes it possible to take into account the unique way of working within a company and its reporting. However, each project starts from the Power BI platform, which allows us to reuse components and keep projects manageable in terms of time and budget.

Project management

The Holvoet team are masters of project management, but they don't always have it easy. In a perfect world, they would use one comprehensive ERP software in which all data is stored. However, due to the complexity of enterprises, we often see that this is more of a utopia.

In reality, data flows in from different channels. For Holvoet, this means: budgets (Lean/ERP), purchase invoices (Exact online), time registration (One-Two), project leader estimates (Excel). Add to this fluctuating raw material prices, rising energy prices, and wage indexing. Soon, you end up with a situation where monthly project reporting takes several days. Inefficient and especially not future-proof for further growth.

Power BI functions as a layer above the existing systems. Through a connection, we automatically retrieve the data every night and structure it into a data model in the cloud.

This also means that your employees won't notice anything. Accounting continues to book invoices in Exact, workers continue to register hours in One-Two... but management now has a helicopter overview.

Effective management of subcontractors is essential for the success of our projects.

Dieter Vandewege - Holvoet Gebroeders

Shortly after the delivery and validation of the data, Holvoet has now also decided to grant access to these dashboards to its project managers. We see this quite often with our clients, after all the goal should be to launch a data culture within the company.

The idea is simple: project managers must guarantee quality within the allocated budget. So, give them the (automated) tools to achieve this.

Modern construction company

At Holvoet, we see modernization not only in their internal operations but also in their approach to the outside world.

We go to great lengths to make our LinkedIn page as original and relevant as possible.

Gilles Van Schoorisse - Holvoet Gebroeders

According to Gilles, content is everything, and that is also what Holvoet wants to offer its audience: photos of completed projects and achievements. They show masterful finishing, which sets them apart from the competition.

If you're not already doing so, be sure to follow their social media pages, where you can follow their projects and developments closely!

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