Found & Baker is a residential real estate agency specialized in exceptional real estate. They currently list some of the most exclusive properties in Belgium. This is a story about fast growth, constant improvements and a very passionate team that saw the benefits of business intelligence.
- Title: Real Estate client dashboard
- Client: Found & Baker
- Budget: 5 days
- Data sources: Zabun (ERP), Google Analytics, Facebook API, Real Estate websites (Luxevastgoed, Immoweb, Zimmo)
"Selling the good life"
Last summer we sat together with founding fathers, David Fonteyne & Philippe De Backer. Together with their team, they are constantly on the look out to improve the service to their clients as well as their internal processes. Data plays an important role in this drive for improvement.
"During our team meetings we often ask ourselves, how can we become the Tesla of the Real Estate Industry"
David Fonteyne
"Real innovation is not so easy, especially in a rather traditional industry. We try to combine the classic network effects together with a multi-channel digital marketing approach." says David. This means the team has a lot of data that potentially holds interesting information, but every new marketing channel also makes the monitoring more complex.
"Core of our analysis is now the tracking of the impact of our efforts. What works? What doesn't? What do we (dis)continue?"
David Fonteyne
Sounds easy, but often appears to be very hard.
The Goal
Maxime, who is in charge of the Digital Marketing department, has been using Power BI dashboards for quite some time now. "The first project we got into was the web analytics dashboard. This gave us already some good insights on our website traffic, now we wanted to focus on all our sales activities."
We are happy that so many of our clients trust us with the sale of their exclusive property, and often these transactions are done within a closed network, David says. However, when the team in combination with the owner decides to "spread the word", they make sure to reach as many relevant candidates as possible. Their own website, national real estate websites, google ads campaigns, drone videos, exclusive magazines, national newspapers, Facebook campaigns; you name it, they leverage it all. "This dashboard makes the impact of all of these channels visible not only to our team, but also to our clients."
When the client agrees to "spread the word" about the listing, we make sure their property is visible EVERYWHERE.
Maxime Pinsart
On the one hand the dashboard can be an extra service to the client. "Before, our reporting only contained the legal minimum. We are obliged to let the landlord know who came to visit his property." Now, however, we get all the data about clicks and views of all our channels in the the dashboard.
"We can show the client an aggregated and detailed overview of the efforts we undertook to sell their property."
Jérôme De Nil
On the other-hand, data - if handled correctly - by default tells you a story. Sometimes the story goes, plenty of clicks, views and likes for the property, however, no visits. "This combined with the expertise of our team, can then lead to the conclusion that the price is set too high." The dashboard supports the team in the communication with the owner when a listing has been online for multiple months, a new strategy might be advised. Agent Jérôme, who is soon going to open the Brussels office, sees good potential in this communication side of the story.
Aim high
The Found & Baker story started just 4 years ago, still the team will open its 3rd office this summer already. Founding father, David Fonteyne, constantly tells his team to aim high for the long term and work hard daily in order to get there. This dashboard is one of the many examples of constant improvement and growth.
We would like to thank David, Philippe, Maxime and their entire team for the collaboration in this project and we wish them all the best in their future growth!